- High flexibility – User-friendly programming for the blasting of small parts in the widest possible variety of shapes and forms
- Better process controlling – Optimal mixture of blasting material to reduce consumption of blasting media
- High and repetitive quality – The desired surface quality with flexible parameters
The SECKLER sandero is designed to accommodate parts up to a maximum diameter of 80 mm and a maximum length of 150 mm.
It is comprised of a stand-alone blasting system with rotary table and eight workpiece stations. It is possible to have a maximum of four individually programmable blasting nozzles at each table position. After the blasting process, the workpieces are carefully blown off so that they can be removed dust-free from the parts fixture.
The SECKLER sandero software allows the controlling of the following micro sandblast and robot parameters:
Material pressure and dosing of the micro sandblast quantityFeed pressureBlasting timeNumber of palletsNumber of partsFlip parts yes/no, before or/and after micro sandblastingWorkpiece administration for up to 176 parts or unlimited by CSV-file
Goals of the iepco micro sandblasting technology
- Surface cleaning
- Surface compression
- Increase of the bearing share
- Micro deburring
- Adhesive base preparation
- Surface texturing
- Exact defined edge fillet
- Removal of “droplets” and sharpening burrs
- Compression, smoothing and polish of workpiece surface
- 100% reproducible
iepco is the expert for a perfect finishing of surfaces. The leading know-how is based on 50 years of experience in this field. Combined with the most modern technology and comprehensive advisory service iepco offers together with SECKLER cost efficient overall solutions – specially tailored to your individual requirements.